Newport Historical Society
82 Touro Street, Newport, RI 02840
It is the mission of the Newport Historical Society to collect and preserve the artifacts, photographs, documents, publications and genealogical records that relate to the history of Newport County, Rhode Island; to make these materials readily available for both research and enjoyment; and to act as a resource center for the education of the public about the history of Newport County, and its preeminent position in American history, so that knowledge of the past may contribute to a fuller understanding of the present.
George Washington Institute for Religious Freedom
50 Broad Street, Suite 1137
New York, NY 10004
To create greater awareness of the historic roots of religious freedom and the importance of separation of church and state in the United States by disseminating the message of George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island of 1790.
The John Carter Brown Library
Brown University
Providence, RI
An independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, founded in 1846 and located at Brown University since 1901. Housed within the Library’s walls is an internationally renowned, constantly growing collection of primary historical sources pertaining to the Americas, both North and South, before ca. 1825. For 150 years the Library has served scholars from all over the United States and abroad. The Library offers fellowships, sponsors lectures and conferences, regularly mounts exhibitions for the public, and publishes catalogues, bibliographies, and other works that interpret its holdings to facilitate and encourage use of the collection.
Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy
Salve Regina University
Young Building, 518 Bellevue Ave.
Newport, RI 02840-4129
The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy at Salve Regina underscores our nation’s dedication to bringing peaceful means of resolution into current and emerging public policy issues. The Pell Center pays tribute to the late Sen. Claiborne deBorda Pell, a distinguished gentleman and statesman who exemplified wisdom, courage and leadership in national and international politics. Established by an Act of Congress Sept. 28, 1996, the Pell Center promotes the primary objectives of Pell’s decades of public service: Enhancing international dialogue to achieve a more peaceful world and preparing individuals for an informed and active role in local, national and world affairs.
The Rhode Island Historical Society
110 Benevolent Street
Providence RI 02906
The Rhode Island Historical Society, believing that a sense of history is fundamental to understanding human experience, collects, preserves, and shares materials from Rhode Island’s past, so that present and future generations can comprehend more fully their predecessors, their communities, and themselves. Pursuing the highest standards of collection, preservation, presentation, and management, the Society encourages and assists people of all backgrounds and interests to learn more about Rhode Island’s varied history.